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Promoting sustainability...

One aquarium at a time.

The Ocean-Aquarium Foundation is dedicated to helping the saltwater aquarium hobby adopt more sustainable and ecologically conservative methods through scientific study of propagation and captive breeding techniques and environmental education programs.


We strive to educate and inspire the public and marine aquarists to see how we, in our own small ways, can work to keep natural reefs alive.





The coral reefs are dying, this is a well documented fact. In 2017, the Great Barrier Reef, the largest tropical coral reef expanse, suffered its third consecutive year of bleaching, with 67% of the Northern barrier reef bleaching (Arc Center of Excellence, 2016). In the last 30 years we have lost almost half of coral reefs worldwide. The major stressors on reefs continue to get worse in most cases.

For marine aquarium hobbyists, gone are the days of cheap live rock covered in life, huge heads of mature coral, tanks of wild-caught fish. Twenty years ago an aquarist could occasionally find an expensive captive bred clownfish. Now there are programs breeding hybrid clowns, yellow tangs, and angels. This is the future, and the Ocean-Aquarium Foundation (O-A) supports that future of sustainability.

Historically the home-aquarist level of the marine aquarium hobby has been dominated by anecdotal evidence and little hard data. The O-A was founded by and is run by concerned hobbyists. We look to bridge the gap between the hobby and scientific studies, and provide solid, repeatable, research-based evidence to guide coral propagation and invertebrate and fish breeding techniques for the home aquarist. We strive to inspire home aquarists to learn from our techniques and become more sustainable. As marine aquarium hobbyists, we have an immense opportunity and responsibility. The future of the coral reefs could very well be in our hands.

The O-A also provides education programs designed to inform both hobbyists and concerned citizens on concrete steps they can take to help protect coral reefs, regardless of if they own an aquarium or not. Preserving the coral reefs for us and future generations will require a global effort.


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